Goat Yoga: A Delightful Day Filled with Smiles at Gardens on Quail

Goat Yoga: A Delightful Day Filled with Smiles at Gardens on Quail

Today, I bring you the highlights of a unique event that has brought an extraordinary amount of joy and laughter to our residents: a visit from Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga!

While our residents might not have perfected the Downward Dog or the Warrior pose, they certainly enjoyed handing out goat treats, which quickly turned into a mix of giggles, baa-maste moments, and adorable photo ops.

These little creatures, roaming freely around our residents in our interior courtyard, brought an air of fun and playfulness that had everyone grinning from ear to ear.

Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga is a unique organization, which blends the therapeutic attributes of yoga and animal companionship. The baby goats are rescued animals, many of whom have faced neglect or abandonment early in their lives. So, in addition to filling our day with joy, our goat visit played a part in offering these lovable animals a healthier and happier lifestyle.

Jim Naron, who launched Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga in 2017, has been creating these unique yoga experiences in Colorado, inspired by Laney Morse from Oregon. By maintaining a sustainable herd through collaborations with local goat rescues, Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga continues to spread joy while prioritizing animal welfare.

Witnessing our residents' faces light up with joy as they interacted with these friendly goats was an incredible experience. Even though some of our yoga enthusiasts may not have achieved the perfect yoga pose, they got something far more valuable – a day filled with joy, laughter, and connections.

Thank you, Rocky Mountain Goat Yoga, for bringing this delightful event to our community. Our residents and staff alike are still chuckling over the sheer fun of the day. We look forward to more such heartwarming and entertaining events in the future!

With warmest regards,

Goat Yoga: A Delightful Day Filled with Smiles at Gardens on QuailGoat Yoga: A Delightful Day Filled with Smiles at Gardens on QuailGoat Yoga: A Delightful Day Filled with Smiles at Gardens on Quail
Conor Smallwood
April 18, 2023

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Gardens on Quail Header - Aerial overview, front entrance and resident with vegetables picked from the garden